Who are you?
Read who/what Pascale is...
Pascale is...
a student, a daughter, an older sister, a little monster, crazy for the UK, a pickle person, a night owl, a friend, hardcore, a joker, a little weird,
very friendly, a fangirl, grumpy in the morning, a hopeful photographer, a dancer, good with children, bad with left-traffic, clumsy, a party girl,
a teachers' assistant, an organiser, a hopeful singer, a RockStar drinker, a heel-person, into Disney, a blogger, a hopeful writer, a chick lit reader,
curious, into fashion, always on twitter, an inventor, against drugs, interested in proper shoes on men, working in a restaurant, impulsive, excited for the future!
Pascale likes...
accidently taking 5 m&ms out of a packet of the same colour, sunshine blinding me while I'm driving, driving my car alone so I can sing along to my favourite songs without bothering anybody,
when the music in restaurants is exactly loud enough to still hear it and still be able to speak to each other,
the sound of the tumbledryer, McFly, getting mail, shopping online, karate battles with people that don't know squat about karate,
making pokemons out of tinfoil and have battles, a heavy wallet, doing random cartwheels, living after your horoscope,
happymeals, sudoku, twister fries, giving advice even though I never really take any advice from others, murder documentaries,
taking silly quizes from magazines, Simon Mitchell's amazing art, telling ghost stories even though I'm the biggest wuss around, my glasses,
schoolparties with old teachers, researching random facts, sleeping in, exploring, Adam from The Struts.
My fellow students
Check out these lovely people abroad...
Joly @ Birmingham, UK
Ine @ Atlanta, US
Carola @ Belfast, UK
Saskia @ Birmingham, UK
Tim @ Worcester, UK
Irene @ Belfast, UK
Kelly @ Limerick, IRL
Danielle @ Belfast, UK
Priscilla @ Wales, UK
Suzanne V @ Belfast, UK
Nadia @ Liverpool, UK
Marijn @ Birmingham, UK
Jos @ Wales, UK
Rutger @ Florida, US
Suzanne ter W @ Liverpool, UK
Roy @ Limerick, IRL
Hannah @ Brighton, UK
Chelsea @ Brighton, UK
Etienne @ Belfast, UK
Barbara @ Atlanta, US
Ali @ Birmingham, UK
Paul @ Belfast, UK
Nadda @ Birmingham, UK
Nico @ Worcester, UK
Sunday, 9 May 2010 13:01

Help me get there please? I'm accepting all tips and tricks and money. Money, yes. You can donate if you really love me (only if you really love me, otherwise I'll feel guilty).
Since I'm incredibly busy with London in the back of my mind, I m suddenly getting really excited for the summer. It's only been a week since I was in England, but I can't wait to get back now. It's not a secret: I'm in love with England. Have been since age of 13. In summer I'm going to London and will stay there for 4 nights - not a very long time, but longer than last time I was there: 2 hours. That's right, I've been to London for two hours, spread over two days. It's kind of a weird story, but I was on a coach ride from Bournemouth to Manchester and had a stop in London - on the way there and on the way back; together two hours. I did manage a sneak around Victoria Train Station then, but nothing exciting. I'm going to London with three stunning friends in the first week of August. If a school will invite me in before that time, I will make sure to go over and say hi.
I want to go. Now. Labels: I really want to go