Who are you?
Read who/what Pascale is...
Pascale is...
a student, a daughter, an older sister, a little monster, crazy for the UK, a pickle person, a night owl, a friend, hardcore, a joker, a little weird,
very friendly, a fangirl, grumpy in the morning, a hopeful photographer, a dancer, good with children, bad with left-traffic, clumsy, a party girl,
a teachers' assistant, an organiser, a hopeful singer, a RockStar drinker, a heel-person, into Disney, a blogger, a hopeful writer, a chick lit reader,
curious, into fashion, always on twitter, an inventor, against drugs, interested in proper shoes on men, working in a restaurant, impulsive, excited for the future!
Pascale likes...
accidently taking 5 m&ms out of a packet of the same colour, sunshine blinding me while I'm driving, driving my car alone so I can sing along to my favourite songs without bothering anybody,
when the music in restaurants is exactly loud enough to still hear it and still be able to speak to each other,
the sound of the tumbledryer, McFly, getting mail, shopping online, karate battles with people that don't know squat about karate,
making pokemons out of tinfoil and have battles, a heavy wallet, doing random cartwheels, living after your horoscope,
happymeals, sudoku, twister fries, giving advice even though I never really take any advice from others, murder documentaries,
taking silly quizes from magazines, Simon Mitchell's amazing art, telling ghost stories even though I'm the biggest wuss around, my glasses,
schoolparties with old teachers, researching random facts, sleeping in, exploring, Adam from The Struts.
My fellow students
Check out these lovely people abroad...
Joly @ Birmingham, UK
Ine @ Atlanta, US
Carola @ Belfast, UK
Saskia @ Birmingham, UK
Tim @ Worcester, UK
Irene @ Belfast, UK
Kelly @ Limerick, IRL
Danielle @ Belfast, UK
Priscilla @ Wales, UK
Suzanne V @ Belfast, UK
Nadia @ Liverpool, UK
Marijn @ Birmingham, UK
Jos @ Wales, UK
Rutger @ Florida, US
Suzanne ter W @ Liverpool, UK
Roy @ Limerick, IRL
Hannah @ Brighton, UK
Chelsea @ Brighton, UK
Etienne @ Belfast, UK
Barbara @ Atlanta, US
Ali @ Birmingham, UK
Paul @ Belfast, UK
Nadda @ Birmingham, UK
Nico @ Worcester, UK
BFF Weekend!
Friday, 4 March 2011 18:49
 Bethnal Green looking LOVELY!
Don't let that photo fool you - yes, it looks absolutely stunning, and from behind a window it's heavenly, but it's actually freeeezing over here! There's an icing wind that has no mercy for your hands - oh my God, I lost complete feeling of my fingers this afternoon! Before you call an ambulance; they're okay now and still stuck to my hand. Also, I live in a hospital, so calling an ambulance would be a waste.
Celesta and Caroline will arrive in London tonight. I've got drinks and junk food ready, as well as their airbeds and I've rearranged the furniture to create some extra space. My bedside table is now under my desk and at the moment my desk chair is functioning as my bedside table. When we have to put the airbeds down (they're stood upright between my bed and the wall at the moment) we'll just move my chair into the TV room.
 I have decided this is my new favourite car. For the people that aren't my Facebook friends; I recently posted how I seriously love London, and that I'm already dreading going home... which is silly, seeing as I'll be here for a few more months. I think it's got something to do with how different one part of London is as apposed to another; it's got so much to offer! For instance, Wednesday I saw a girl being kicked off her bike and getting robbed by two guys. Today, there was a group of 14 year old school girls, shouting at me how they love my coat and shoes from across the street.
Now it's time to rub off some of that feeling onto my best friends as Gijs just told me that their plane has just taken off! EEK!
Oh wow...
Wednesday, 2 March 2011 19:26
Just as I was about to type up this blog, something AWFUL happens right outside my window.
So whilst I try and get over the shock of that, I'll just tell you what happened this week. Work at school is pretty awesome. There are a couple of new trainee teachers and I am no longer 'the new one'. One of them is actually a Belgium woman called Nathalie who is absolutely hilarious. Before it was just me boring everyone with my stories about The Netherlands, now it's me and Nathalie boring everyone with stories about The Netherlands and Belgium as we compare absolutely everything.
Anyway, today I was in Year 3 for most of the time because Justin has done something wrong with his neck and now he can't move. He basically walks around like a robot (which is hilarious!) so he could use an extra hand in his classroom. It's so funny that he translates half the things he says to Dutch when I'm around, even when he's not talking to me. For example, he was telling his class a story about his grandmother, then turns to me and says "mijn oma" - it cracks me up! I still did my reading with the two French girls, and a new Turkish girl who I have also taken under my wing. In the afternoon, both Reception classes were going to Primrose Hill to do some bird-feeding and they needed some extra people, so I went with them. The sun was out and it was lovely to be outside! Also, I hadn't been to Primrose Hill yet and the view is stunning from up there!
Just so my teachers know; work is awesome! I definitely recommend any other students who want to go to London next year to contact St Christina's! I am also in a little conflict with myself at the moment - working with these foreign children is so much fun that I don't know if I still want to work with teenagers after this...
Now, I better quickly get on with preparing my room for Friday evening when BFFs Celesta and Caroline will be sleeping over for four nights - CANNOT WAIT!
Sunday, 27 February 2011 12:26
Before I start talking about yesterday, I just want to tell you that it looks like the spring is peeping its head around the corner in London! It's actually sunny outside and it's not too cold either! :D
 Ealing Studios! Anyway, yesterday Maddie and I went to the Ealing Studios at Ealing Broadway for the Let's Dance for Comic Relief TV recording... well, that's what I thought, but turns out it's actually live on BBC. A bunch of celebrities dress up and do a dance that's meant to be funny and shocking and then people can vote who goes through to the finals. All for charity!
 Very bad quality picture of all celebs on stage after the recording! It's presented by Steve Jones and Alex Jones, and the celebrity dancers of this show were Lulu, Noel Fielding, Andi Osho, Penny Smith, Jarred Christmas and duo Charlie Baker & James Thornton. Basically the entire audience wanted Lulu to go through - we were all SHOCKED when she did her dance to Soulja Boy and was actually really good.
I feel the need to share that Keith Lemon is as amazing in real life as he is on TV. Also! Paloma Faith was randomly in the crowd as well.