Who are you?
Read who/what Pascale is...
Pascale is...
a student, a daughter, an older sister, a little monster, crazy for the UK, a pickle person, a night owl, a friend, hardcore, a joker, a little weird,
very friendly, a fangirl, grumpy in the morning, a hopeful photographer, a dancer, good with children, bad with left-traffic, clumsy, a party girl,
a teachers' assistant, an organiser, a hopeful singer, a RockStar drinker, a heel-person, into Disney, a blogger, a hopeful writer, a chick lit reader,
curious, into fashion, always on twitter, an inventor, against drugs, interested in proper shoes on men, working in a restaurant, impulsive, excited for the future!
Pascale likes...
accidently taking 5 m&ms out of a packet of the same colour, sunshine blinding me while I'm driving, driving my car alone so I can sing along to my favourite songs without bothering anybody,
when the music in restaurants is exactly loud enough to still hear it and still be able to speak to each other,
the sound of the tumbledryer, McFly, getting mail, shopping online, karate battles with people that don't know squat about karate,
making pokemons out of tinfoil and have battles, a heavy wallet, doing random cartwheels, living after your horoscope,
happymeals, sudoku, twister fries, giving advice even though I never really take any advice from others, murder documentaries,
taking silly quizes from magazines, Simon Mitchell's amazing art, telling ghost stories even though I'm the biggest wuss around, my glasses,
schoolparties with old teachers, researching random facts, sleeping in, exploring, Adam from The Struts.
My fellow students
Check out these lovely people abroad...
Joly @ Birmingham, UK
Ine @ Atlanta, US
Carola @ Belfast, UK
Saskia @ Birmingham, UK
Tim @ Worcester, UK
Irene @ Belfast, UK
Kelly @ Limerick, IRL
Danielle @ Belfast, UK
Priscilla @ Wales, UK
Suzanne V @ Belfast, UK
Nadia @ Liverpool, UK
Marijn @ Birmingham, UK
Jos @ Wales, UK
Rutger @ Florida, US
Suzanne ter W @ Liverpool, UK
Roy @ Limerick, IRL
Hannah @ Brighton, UK
Chelsea @ Brighton, UK
Etienne @ Belfast, UK
Barbara @ Atlanta, US
Ali @ Birmingham, UK
Paul @ Belfast, UK
Nadda @ Birmingham, UK
Nico @ Worcester, UK
Zombie Pascale
Thursday, 5 May 2011 14:04
A lot of things have changed at school since my last post, even if that was only yesterday afternoon. First off; Nathalie is back! So we're fully back on comparing Belgium and The Netherlands and annoying everyone with our questions. Good times. Then, Elena, an Italian student, had gone back home right before Easter; she used to work as a TA in Year Four... but now that she's gone, Bronagh is a bit overwhelmed with all the work she suddenly has to do herself. So, of course, here I am, all flexible and talented and stuff... you can guess it. I am now both a classroom TA and a SENCO TA. I work in Year Four whenever Bronagh needs me to do one on one (or one on two or sometimes even one on three) work. All the time that I'm not in Year Four, I make my rounds past all classes to take out the EAL (English as an Additional Language) children and do some extra work with them. It's fun, but also exhausting, which is annoying since I'm still getting used to going to bed early. There's no way I can close my eyes before 23:00h - I just lie in bed, thinking of how many hours I've got to go until my alarm clock rings. Hopefully I'll be used to it next week... although looking at the upcoming weekend, I'm afraid I'll be a zombie for a little while longer... On Friday I'm meeting Maddie for dinner and afterwards we'll go have cocktails at the Mayfair Hotel bar- I liked it so much that I wanted to go back and spot some other celebs than the TOWIE cast. I also haven't seen Maddie in ages, so we've got lots of catching up to do! Also, she told me that her fiance Eddie can get us into some private clubs that are frequently visited by the rich and the famous, but clever me is saving that for next week because on Saturday I've got another trip to Birmingham planned! It's the last full weekend that Saskia, Joly and Nadda are in the UK so I jumped at the last opportunity to go and see them. My bus leaves at 10:00am from Victoria Coach Station and I'll be back the next day at 8:30pm.
Of course, pictures will follow.
Goodmorning reality...
Wednesday, 4 May 2011 13:53
Okay so I'm back in London and am again confronted with how amazing London really is.
On Sunday Suzanne and I had the whole day planned since it was her last day in London. We met at Leicester Square for a nice Pret a Manger lunch (their salmon sandwiches are to die for) and afterwards went to see the film Beastly; awesome film, but what a crap ending. Doesn't matter though, we got to look at Alex Pettyfer for 1,5 hours and Neil Patrick Harris honors Barney Stinson - WAZZAAAAAA. Afterwards we had a stroll through China Town, then walked to Green Park and met Nadine for drinks at the Hilton. The view was amazing; yes, all very posh and glamorous. I ended up paying 9,50 pounds for a glass of wine, oh the fabulous life style I lead...
Then, after a quick thai pub dinner we rounded our evening of with drinks at the Mayfair hotel bar where, oh no big deal, we only run into the cast of The Only Way Is Essex. Not that I would recognise any of them, but Nadine and Suzanne were convinced. After asking one of the hotel staff, he just went 'Oh yes, they come here all the time. The Saturdays were here yesterday.' Starstruck as we were, we proceeded to make pictures of their beautiful toilets (yes, we really did) before heading home. Wonderful goodbye for Suzanne!
So school started again. I seriously feel like I haven't been here for 6 months; it's only been a couple of weeks. And with school starting, I have to get used to all the compliments again. "Have you been away, you look very tan!" "Have you done something with your hair, looks gorge!" etcetera, etcetera. Justin, one of the teachers, and I have gotten ourselves the new habbit of walking to school together. Somehow we always end up in the same tube in the morning (when I'm running late, so is he and vice versa) so we've swiftly moved on from polite conversations about the weather to how drunk we got at the Easter break. I've also found myself to get along really well with one of the PE teachers who before was kind of distant to me (I suspect because I'm only temporary here) but after we both attacked the copymachine out of frustration, we spend about half an hour trying to fix it whilst giggling, which didn't really work. In the end Georgia had to come to the rescue as we were close to pissing ourselves from laughing and didn't really have a clue what we were doing or trying to do.
I don't know about the weather in Holland, but it's still absolutely amazing here. Yea, the breeze is a bit chilly, but if you find yourself a spot in the sun out of the wind, it's lovely. Introducing; Primrose Hill Lunches. It's quite funny to see staff, in a line, waiting for lunch, all holding a tupperware box. Apparently yesterday there were lots of celebs walking around at Primrose Hill (the likes of Gwen Stefani and what not) but I've been there for over an hour and we haven't seen anyone; BOO!
I've got quite awesome plans for the weekend but I'll fill you in on those later!
Sunday, 1 May 2011 00:23

I'm baaaahaaaaack!