Who are you?
Read who/what Pascale is...
Pascale is...
a student, a daughter, an older sister, a little monster, crazy for the UK, a pickle person, a night owl, a friend, hardcore, a joker, a little weird,
very friendly, a fangirl, grumpy in the morning, a hopeful photographer, a dancer, good with children, bad with left-traffic, clumsy, a party girl,
a teachers' assistant, an organiser, a hopeful singer, a RockStar drinker, a heel-person, into Disney, a blogger, a hopeful writer, a chick lit reader,
curious, into fashion, always on twitter, an inventor, against drugs, interested in proper shoes on men, working in a restaurant, impulsive, excited for the future!
Pascale likes...
accidently taking 5 m&ms out of a packet of the same colour, sunshine blinding me while I'm driving, driving my car alone so I can sing along to my favourite songs without bothering anybody,
when the music in restaurants is exactly loud enough to still hear it and still be able to speak to each other,
the sound of the tumbledryer, McFly, getting mail, shopping online, karate battles with people that don't know squat about karate,
making pokemons out of tinfoil and have battles, a heavy wallet, doing random cartwheels, living after your horoscope,
happymeals, sudoku, twister fries, giving advice even though I never really take any advice from others, murder documentaries,
taking silly quizes from magazines, Simon Mitchell's amazing art, telling ghost stories even though I'm the biggest wuss around, my glasses,
schoolparties with old teachers, researching random facts, sleeping in, exploring, Adam from The Struts.
My fellow students
Check out these lovely people abroad...
Joly @ Birmingham, UK
Ine @ Atlanta, US
Carola @ Belfast, UK
Saskia @ Birmingham, UK
Tim @ Worcester, UK
Irene @ Belfast, UK
Kelly @ Limerick, IRL
Danielle @ Belfast, UK
Priscilla @ Wales, UK
Suzanne V @ Belfast, UK
Nadia @ Liverpool, UK
Marijn @ Birmingham, UK
Jos @ Wales, UK
Rutger @ Florida, US
Suzanne ter W @ Liverpool, UK
Roy @ Limerick, IRL
Hannah @ Brighton, UK
Chelsea @ Brighton, UK
Etienne @ Belfast, UK
Barbara @ Atlanta, US
Ali @ Birmingham, UK
Paul @ Belfast, UK
Nadda @ Birmingham, UK
Nico @ Worcester, UK
Emotional Rollercoaster
Saturday, 29 January 2011 18:00
Hey everyone. I managed to find a way of how to blog from my mobile phone since I haven't got internet yet. To make a long story short; I have found a place. I went in for a viewing yesterday, got the key and moved in immediately. This sounds a lot easier than it actually was. Yesterday I had an emotional break down as I was waiting to go in for the viewing. You see, I have to walk through a hospital, past the ambulances to actually get there. From then on I've done everything whilst crying. Crying whilst viewing the room, crying on the tube, crying on the phone to my dad, crying whilst moving in - I felt so completely alone.
Then today my parents came. I was so incredibly happy they were here! They took me food shopping, we went to a museum together and went round to Olly's place to say thanks for having me over on his sofa for four nights. They got bottles of booze as sort of a thank you gift. Then we drank some coffee and said goodbye. This was when I started crying again and I haven't stopped yet. I just got out of the bath and am now looking at a healthy dinner and an early night in.
You know that feeling when your parents drop you off at school for the first time? That times a hundred, you can sort of imagine how I'm feeling right now.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011 12:03
Okay I won't be able to go and visit this new place until Friday I just heard, so I'm gonna look around more. But first I really wanted to tell you about yesterday.
I was expected at school at 10.00am for a proper introduction. I arrived a little early, only to find out that they had written me down to help out in nursery because there was a staff member missing. I kindly explained that I had to leave at 12.00 to find a new place for me to stay which they understood - thank God. From what I've seen of the school, it's incredibly international. I was in nursery for two hours and there were children from Germany, Portugal, New Zealand, Italy... they all spoke English, but I could tell that the children that were new to the school were having a difficult time. Then there's the staff. There's teachers from Spain, Germany, Croatia, Ireland and now I've added The Netherlands to the list too.
I'll be working with Helen, who I will be meeting later in the week again to speak things through with her.
Then at 12 I left, called Dripta and he said that he'd go after things for me (which he did seeing as I might be moving into something new tomorrow). So with that behind me, I was on my way to Wembley Park to meet Carys and Siobhan because I had a pair of 'The Cube' tickets. If you don't know what The Cube is - it's a nerve wrecking English game show, youtube it. This was a special McFly edition of the game in which one of the bandmembers was winning money for charity. After waiting in line for quite a bit, we got inside and were warmed up with something to eat and to drink.
 The actual Cube of The Cube
 The audience! Whilst waiting for the filming to start, there was this crowd entertainer who basically explained everything about the clapping we had to do and when to do it. He was also just asking the audience random questions and making jokes to make everyone laugh. I quickly had to go to the toilet when this man was chatting to people where they had come from and how long they'd been waiting outside. When I got out of the toilets I ran into Dougie - this was awkward, I managed to squeeze out a quick hi before he went into the mens toilets. When I sat back down, the crowd entertainer was still chatting and I'd noticed that Giovanna, Izzy and Georgia (the band's girlfriends) and Sam and Paul (Dougie's parents) had joined the crowd right where we could see them. When the crowd entertainer was rounding of his story, he suddenly went 'Before I leave, I just heard that there's someone in the audience that has flown in from Holland especially for the show, it's Pascale everyone!' and whilst I was shocked that this man was pointing at me, I got a standing ovation from the crowd. Embarrassed much? Yes - the lobsterface kind.
Tom of McFly had to get into the cube at it was amazing to see how everyone was behind him and encouraging him. It was really fun to watch (and VERY nerve wrecking, especially when the crowd had to be completely silent for one of the games Tom had to do and Dougie was laughing whilst Harry and Danny covered his face with their hands). In between the setting up of the games inside the cube, this crowd entertainer would come out again to do little chats with the audience. This happened about 8 times. He'd addressed me again to teach him some things in Dutch - that's when Phillip Schofield turned to me and asked 'Who's Dutch? I can say something in Dutch!' when I asked him what it was (mind you this was all whilst the entire audience was listening as well as McFly) he said 'Grote Klootzak'. I was impressed with what he'd said, but of course no one had a clue what he'd just said to me. So when someone asked, he went 'How rude is that?' to which I went 'Pretty rude.' Then he explained it meant big dick and got the whole crowd cheering. Later when the crowd entertainer turned to me again, Phillip tried to say something to me in Dutch about red bicycles in a canal but I couldn't make out what he was saying - he was basically makes a lot of Chhhhgrr noises.
 Me, Siobhan and Carys outside Fountain Studios When the show was finished we all waited outside for a bit until the band came out for pictures. They were all lovely. As I was filming Danny with my hand through the gate, he suddenly walked up to me, took the phone from my hands and signed the back of it before I could say anything. I went 'No!' and a couple of girls around me gasped. He awkwardly wanted to give me my phone back, looking kind of shocked when I said it was filming. He then turned his face to the camera and said "HI I JUST SIGNED YOUR PHONE!" Happy coincidence, even though I didn't mean for that to happen.
Anyway. Good day.
Gijs's friend Dripta, who lives here in London and gets people into places, has been such a great help. He's sent me links to sites that actually respond 5 minutes after you send them an e-mail. Unfortunately there isn't anything in the North West of London for me to move into, but then again I don't mind traveling to work using the tube. I even think I quite like it... well, I like it now anyway.
Host Family Accommodation has found me a room in a Student Residence in Bethnal Green (that's where I'm staying at Olly's house now too). So the good thing about that is that I know the place a little - I know the supermarkets around here and I know the tube station which for now is all I really need. I'm waiting for some sort of approval from my parents for this place (it's 135 pounds a week) and if they do, I'll go over to have a look at the place first, then go to their offices in Lewisham to make the booking.
I'll tell you all about how amazing yesteday was in a bit. It was seriously awesome and celebrity related. Wish me luck for today!
What a great start...
Monday, 24 January 2011 20:59
Day one. A complete disaster would be an understatement. Turns out that this whole flatshare in St Johns Wood is a massive scam. We've reported Vivian at gumtree and my dad's into sueing her or something of the sorts... at least to get our 750 pounds back.
Right now I'm staying over at a friend's place, sleeping on his sofa. I was lucky he was willing to have me over! It's quite the journey from Bethnal Green to St Johns Wood, but it's the way it is for now. I don't know if I'll be going to see McFly tomorrow... getting myself a place to live is slightly more important at the moment (don't worry Carys, I will still meet you at Baker Street to give you the tickets).
Celesta (and Gijs), Caroline (and Chrisje who I heard has had the same thing happen to her) and mum and dad have been complete heroes for me today. They've been calling and texting and contacting about every person they know in London to sort something out for me. I've gotten loads of lovely messages through twitter and facebook too - thanks everyone. It all kept me from bursting into tears right in the middle of the street when a police officer told me the address I was looking for didn't actually exist (not to mention that smug look on his face).
Just my bloody luck.
Anyway, I did visit the school today because I didn't really know where else to go. They were shocked and appalled that someone would do this and sat me down with a cup of tea (milk and sugar as proper tea should be) and calmed me down a bit. I have only stepped foot in their little offices to report this Vivian person with their help, but the school seems very nice. I've left half my stuff down there so I wouldn't have to carry it all to Bethnal Green with me. I'm meeting the head of the school as well as the headteacher again tomorrow for a proper introduction.
Long story short; I'm at Olly's now and he's just put my dinner in the oven. I've got a roof over my head (if it's up to Olly I'm staying here 4 months) and we'll just see what will happen tomorrow.
ps. Any tips or advice? Always welcome - especially now! Leave a message at the top of this page!